
Re: LVS-DR where Directors are also Realservers

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: LVS-DR where Directors are also Realservers
From: ken <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 14:06:11 -0400
Please look at the following URL.  This is what I'm trying to setup:

This setup only uses 2 machines, acting as both directors and servers in a 
Direct Routing setup.  Each machine has it's own, unique real IP.  Per the 
instructions on the above website, and per the LVS-DR general howto, each 
machine must have the VIP (virtual IP) assigned to the lo device (or any other 
device that can be hidden).  At this point, each machine just has it's own 
unique RIP on eth0, and the VIP on lo.  Everything is fine so far.  Once I 
start Keepalived, or Heartbeat for that matter, the VIP is also assigned to the 
public device eth0 on the primary dirctor/server.  At this point, while I can 
still ping and connect to services on that machine's RIP, I cannot ping or 
connect to the VIP.  If I remove the VIP bound to lo, I can instantly ping and 
connect to the VIP bound to eth0 from any client on my LAN.

I've been using a LVS-NAT cluster for about 2-1/2 years, since the VA-Linux 6.2 
days, but I've never setup a LVS-DR cluster.  Either I'm missing something in 
my setup, or the documentation on Horm's Ultramonkey site is wrong and/or 
incomplete as far as this particular setup goes.  As far as I can tell, you 
can't have the virtual IP assigned to both the loopback and a public ethernet 
device.  What I've had to do is remove the VIP loopback definition whenever the 
director/server becomes the primary node, then add it back in if it demotes to 
secondary.  This seems to work fine, but seems a bit clumsy since I have to use 
a script external to the standard LVS/Keepalived applications.


Quoting Joseph Mack <mack.joseph@xxxxxxx>:

> ken wrote:
> > Recap:  With the VIP on the loopback device, I can't ping or otherwise
> connect
> > to the primary Director/Server which owns the VIP on eth0. 
> none of the other IPs on the director are connnectable?
> The VIP is not meant to be the primary IP on the outside of the director.
> It will be shutdown on failover and there must be independant ways
> of getting to the director  from the realservers. You do this with the DIP
> which is on the inside of the director
> Joe

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