Macom and all,
Thank you for your reply. However, on the the
contrary, we have 20,000+/- webmail users combined
with IMAP client/SMTP users on top of that (through
the same LVS cluster routing for those services). Off
hours the stats do drop, and pickup heavily during
business hours (which is probably what you saw in the
ipvsadm output - which BTW was just "instantaneous"
statistics, not totals). Also we process about a
million message a day, majority via webmail!
Our webmail is set on the webmail real servers to be
60 min before it gives up the session, but setting LVS
to 15 min was just so they can login to webmail, and I
never saw any trouble with this setup. I did not
believe the LVS persistance needed to match the
webmail persistance, due to the unlike strategies of
persistance behind each. Yes/no???
Would changing 15 to 60min Persistance on the LVS take
up a lot of memory and processing (CPU/load) overhead?
We're running 1gb of memory and dual pentium III.
Thanks again,
PS: When we upgraded from RHL7.3+Piranha to
RHEL-AS-v3+ClusterServices(Piranha), the Linux servers
were up for 200+ DAYS, and still processing away good
as ever. Pretty good, huh!
--- Malcolm Turnbull <malcolm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> You don't seem to have many users so why not just
> set persistence to 45mins.
> A better solution would be to have persistent
> sessions on your webmail
> servers then you won't need persistence at all.
> pb wrote:
> > Hello LVS / Piranha,
> >
> > I have PERSISTENCE set to 900 (15 min) for
> > which shows up like this with "lvsadm -L"
> >
> > TCP wlc persistent 900
> > -> rserver1:https Masq 1 3
> > 47
> > -> rserver2:https Masq 1 1
> > 211
> > -> rserver3:https Masq 1 1
> > 224
> >
> > We use this for Mirapoint WEBMAIL. Some people
> have
> > recently complained that for about a month, they
> begin
> > experiencing INVALID SESSION ID errors after
> typing in
> > a lengthy email and clicking SEND.
> >
> > We've been using Piranha/LVS for a couple years,
> and
> > never seen this, and it is not everyone having
> this
> > problem, many do not. We're checking with our
> mail
> > vendor too, but we just recently upgraded
> >
> > Red Hat Linux 7.3 + Piranha
> >
> > to
> >
> > Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS v3 + Piranha
> > Cluster Svcs
> >
> > about 45 days ago - thats how long one of the two
> > Piranha clusters has been up.
> >
> >
> > Any insite as to how PERSISTENTS of 15 minutes
> facors
> > into someone typing a message in WEBMAIL for
> example
> > for 30 minutes, would be well appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Peter
> >
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