
Re: Redhat6.1 and DR via the director itself.

To: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Redhat6.1 and DR via the director itself.
Cc: Stephen Zander <gibreel@xxxxxxxxx>, lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Stephen Zander <gibreel@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 11 May 2000 19:37:06 -0700
>>>>> "Horms" == Horms  <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Horms> There is no need for a local interface, though the routers
    Horms> on the network must know to route packets for the ip
    Horms> address or addresses covered by the virtual service to the
    Horms> IPVS host.

Ah. So you trade configuration of interfaces on a director for
configuration of static routes in your router fabric or configuration
of interfaces on your realservers and dynamic updating of the router
fabric (assuming that all traffic outbound from the realservers go
through the director).  I guess you could set the director up to
generate the dynamic routing configuration itself.

Hmm, Occam's razor suggest to me that fixing the director's kernel
involves less grief. :)


"If I claimed I was emperor just cause some moistened bint lobbed a
scimitar at me, they'd put me away"

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