
Re: Piranha problems

To: Yong Wei <tyongwei@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Piranha problems
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Keith Barrett <kbarrett@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 12:08:51 -0400
Yong Wei wrote:
> Another thing is, I encouter the following problem
> often when I restart the pulse:
> Starting pulse: Cannot cretae heartbeat socket.
> Running as root?
> Indeed, I am login as root.

The error means that you either:

1. Are not running as root (which you say you are, so this 
   isn't it).

2. That the socket already exists -- meaning that some
   program has already created it. The most common reason
   is that you had a copy of piranha running and stopped it,
   but did not kill all it's children or local htttpd
   service (if using fos), so someone is holding onto
   a file descriptor.

   Kill all the old processes and it should start ok.


Keith Barrett
Red Hat Inc. HA Team

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