
acess to loadbalanced services from inside the nat in an lvs-nat set up

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: acess to loadbalanced services from inside the nat in an lvs-nat set up
From: Douglas Elznic <dfe@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 04 Oct 2001 18:53:01 -0400
    we have an lvs nat setup. Real simple, one lvs nat box, two web
servers, and a big db machine that handles various odds and ends
services like mail as well as dbs(its primary function). We need our web
servers to be able to send mail to local users (addresses on the db
machine) My question is how do you access load balanced services from
inside of the firewall. The connection just hangs forever...
I am sure someone else has dealt with this before....

|  Douglas Elznic  |        GPG Key: <dfe@xxxxxxxxx> 0x13300731        |
|  Thinker-@-Large | Pub key can be obtained from |
|   dfe@xxxxxxxxx  | Fingerprint:                                      |
| dfelznic@xxxxxxx | EF9C 7E3C 0327 EAAF 1E20 5299 0805 7531 1330 0731 |
| | All emails should be signed by the above key.     |
| They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary |
| safety deserve neither liberty nor safety... Benjamin Franklin 1759  |

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