
Re: Help fro lvs

To: "xgao" <xgao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Help fro lvs
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Chris <chrisd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 09:13:51 -0400
Hi Xiao:

I am not an expert at this. All I can say is that I have gotten it to work. I will tell you what I did to get it compiled, and I hope it can help you. It sounds like you know how to compile a kernel under normal circumstances, so I will not get into that.

1) I downloaded the kernel from
2) I downloaded the ipvs patch (use the single patch)
3) I downloaded the hidden patch.
4) I uncompressed the kernel source in /usr/src
5) I uncompressed the hidden patch in /root
6) I uncompressed the ipvs single file.
7) I copied the hidden patch to /usr/src/linux
8) I executed: patch -p1 <hidden-2.4.5-1.diff
9) I copied the ipvs patch to /usr/src/linux
10) I executed: patch -p1 <linux-2.4.18-ipvs-1.0.2.patch
11) I did a make menu config, and configured my kernel
12) I did the exact same steps you did to compile it: make dep;make clean;make bzImage;make modules;make modules_install

I didn't have any glitches.

Things to watch out for:

-Don't apply each patch more than once!
-If it didn't work following these steps and you have RH 7.2, make sure you have all the gcc packages installed. If you must, put the cd back in the drive, and do an "upgrade", and install the tools necessary -If that isn't it, make sure your gcc is up to date. An easy way of doing this is by downloading red-carpet from It is an Xwindows updater. You do not have to have gnome to run this (anymore).
-If this doesn't work, track down a *real* guru, cuz I am fresh out of ideas!

Hope it helps.


At 03:33 PM 4/15/2002 +0800, you wrote:
Hi Chris,

I am a subscribe of the lvs user... and also a newbee in using lvs.
I have some install questions need your help.
My linux is redhat 7.2 with 2.4.7-10 kernal.I wanna run lvs on it.
From the, I know I need to upgrade my kernal to 2.4.18 to run the lvs, so I download the kernal from and unpack it to my /usr/src directory. I follow the instruction of lsv to make lsv 1.0.2 patch on kernal then compile kernal with netfilter and ip visual server. During this, I use make xconfig, then make dep, make clean, make bzImage, make modules, make modules_install. But each time, I run make module , make modules_install, I get some error while gccing the lpvs. Can you tell me which is the right way to install ipvs on redhat. (I know you have make it work successfully).

Thanks a lot

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