
ipvs-1.1.x and kernel 2.5.x won't work

To: LVS <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: ipvs-1.1.x and kernel 2.5.x won't work
From: Janine Restis <jrestis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 19:08:13 +0100

in hope for better performance, escpecially on SMP, I tried 2.5.50,
2.5.52 and 2.5.55 kernels on my loadbalancer. Each time using the
appropriate ipvs and ipvsadm versions, of course. Unfortunately none
worked and maybe someone already knows about the problem and can
help me. On LVS startup (using keepalived) I had the following
errors in my dmesg:

IPVS: set_ctl: len 92 != 44
IPVS: set_ctl: len 92 != 68
IPVS: set_ctl: len 92 != 68
IPVS: set_ctl: len 92 != 68
IPVS: set_ctl: len 92 != 68
IPVS: set_ctl: len 92 != 68
IPVS: set_ctl: len 92 != 68
IPVS: set_ctl: len 92 != 68
IPVS: set_ctl: len 92 != 68

One interesting thing is that there are 8 lines with "68" and also I
have 8 servers in my pool. At the moment I don't believe this to be
only a coincidence. :)
The first one might be the virtual address or something.

Ipvsadm (version 1.22) always said:

IP Virtual Server version 1.1.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port  Forward Weight ActiveConn              InActConn
The only thing that changed was the version number. I even tried to
still use it, but ipvsadm was right, it didn't work, so no
displaying error.

At the moment I'm using 2.4.20 with ipvs 1.0.7 and ipvsadm 1.21
which is working fine with same keepalived config and such. I found
the mails about the do_ip_vs_get_ctl()-Patch, which could have been
the problem, but probably isn't. :)

Any ideas on how to solve this issue? I really would like to know if 
these kernel versions perform better on SMP machines. 



Janine Restis
Systems Administration

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