
Re: Questions about the rate estimator: ip_vs_est.c

To: Roberto Nibali <ratz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Questions about the rate estimator: ip_vs_est.c
Cc: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Wensong Zhang <wensong@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 18:48:07 +0800 (CST)

Hi Ratz,

On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Roberto Nibali wrote:

> I see that the rate estimator currently is not used anywhere. From what 
> I understand it tries to give you a means to provide 1/s information on 
> packets, bytes and connections.
> I wonder why it is done in such a complicated way? I know most of it is 

It isn't complicated. :)

> from the net/sched/estimator.c but why not using the direct way of 
> computing the average?
> Something like following should work:
> avg = ((time - timeframe) * avg + new) / time

Your formula is the same as avgrate = avgrate*(1-W) + rate*W, where W is 
timeframe/time. Oh, you miss something in your formula, it should be
        avg = ((time - timeframe) * avg + timeframe * new) / time

> I've written a 2 minutes POC shell script that shows what I mean:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> #!/bin/bash
> # extremely stupid programme to show calculation of constant average
> declare -i num=0
> declare -i cnt=0
> declare -i timeframe=2
> declare avg=0
> while read -p "Enter number: " num rest; do
>          if [ "${rest}" == "q" ]; then
>                  exit
>          fi
>          cnt=$((${cnt}+${timeframe}))
>          avg=$(echo "((${cnt}-${timeframe})*${avg}+${num})/${cnt}" | bc -l)
>          printf "Average [cnt=%d]: %0.4f\n" "${cnt}" "${avg}"
> done
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Why are the numbers scaled by 2^5?

For more precise numbers, we keep the 1/32 fraction numbers in the

> Would it make sense to use the ip_vs_estimator to write a scheduler 
> which chooses the RS with either the least amount of bps or the least 
> amount of pps?

Yes, it's possible, but it will make ipvsadm a little bit more complicated 
to set those bps/pps thresholds.



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