
Load testing LVS with Mercury LoadRunner

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Load testing LVS with Mercury LoadRunner
From: Travis Prebble <tprebble@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 14:43:13 -0500
I'm running into a problem using Mercury Interactive's LoadRunner to test an LVS cluster.

The issue is that with persistent connections enabled in LVS, all of my LoadRunner virtual users are being routed to the same RS (out of three).

The vusers are all being generated by the same machine, but LoadRunner uses new web sessions for each one as they are kicked off. For some reason, LVS isn't seeing that each one is a new session and just keeps routing to the RS used by the very first vuser.

Now, if I disable persistence, the vusers get routed to each of the three RS's in turn, but this doesn't work for the application we're testing because the session IDs end up being sent to the wrong RS app servers (vuser1 establishes sessionX with RSy, then vuser1 with sessionX connects to RSz, which has no knowledge of sessionX and rejects it).

I can see similar behavior if I do this manually by opening up an instance of IE, connecting, checking ipvsadm for which RS has the ActiveConn, then opening a second IE window, connecting, and seeing that it also went to the same RS.

Any ideas on whether or not I can fix this from the side of LVS or does the true problem lie elsewhere?

Also, can anyone point me to details on how LVS determines whether or not a connection is a new session?

Thanks for any help!

-- Trav
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