
Does iptables affect director's performance much?

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Does iptables affect director's performance much?
From: sake <cax0cn@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 11:07:32 +0800
Hi, all :

Days before, I setup an IDS on the lvs director, and I had a simple test on
the director by connectting the mean-service-time, HitRatio .. which cost me
dual weeks. And I found that snort does not affect the performance. as both
snort and iptables use libpcap library to scratch packets, does it mean the
iptables will not affect the director's performance ? or am I right before
when using snort?

I 'm mastering several highly loaded LVSs, these days I found that there are
so many maliciouswe scans so I want to ban them all by portsentry. And we
also confused by by ddos :-/

Anyone has good suggestions? Thanks for any reply.

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