
[v2 PATCH 3/4] IPVS: Backup, Adding Version 1 receive capability

To: lvs-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx, ja@xxxxxx, wensong@xxxxxxxxxxxx, daniel.lezcano@xxxxxxx
Subject: [v2 PATCH 3/4] IPVS: Backup, Adding Version 1 receive capability
Cc: Hans Schillstrom <hans.schillstrom@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Hans Schillstrom <hans.schillstrom@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 14:16:38 +0200
Functionality improvements
 * flags  changed from 16 to 32 bits
 * fwmark added (32 bits)
 * timeout in sec. added (32 bits)
 * pe data added (Variable length)
 * IPv6 capabilities (3x16 bytes for addr.)
 * Version and type in every conn msg.

ip_vs_process_message() now handles Version 1 messages
and will call ip_vs_process_message_v0() for version 0 messages.

ip_vs_proc_conn() is common for both version, and handles the update of
connection hash.

ip_vs_conn_fill_param_sync()    - Version 1 messages only
ip_vs_conn_fill_param_sync_v0() - Version 0 messages only

 A new option format added as with opt,opt-len,data
 as a general way to add options to a conn entry.
 timeout is now in seconds
 fwmark is not in ip_vs_conn_param any more.
 Mask for flags received by backup.
 Basically all changes implements Julians comments.

Signed-off-by: Hans Schillstrom <hans.schillstrom@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
 include/linux/ip_vs.h           |    8 +
 net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c |  468 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 358 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/linux/ip_vs.h b/include/linux/ip_vs.h
index 5f43a3b..4deb383 100644
--- a/include/linux/ip_vs.h
+++ b/include/linux/ip_vs.h
@@ -89,6 +89,14 @@
 #define IP_VS_CONN_F_TEMPLATE  0x1000          /* template, not connection */
 #define IP_VS_CONN_F_ONE_PACKET        0x2000          /* forward only one 
packet */
+                                 IP_VS_CONN_F_NOOUTPUT | \
+                                 IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE | \
+                                 IP_VS_CONN_F_SEQ_MASK | \
+                                 IP_VS_CONN_F_NO_CPORT | \
+                                 IP_VS_CONN_F_TEMPLATE \
+                                )
 /* Flags that are not sent to backup server start from bit 16 */
 #define IP_VS_CONN_F_NFCT      (1 << 16)       /* use netfilter conntrack */
diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c b/net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c
index f7f115d..5aa8e04 100644
--- a/net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c
+++ b/net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
  *     Alexandre Cassen        :       Added SyncID support for incoming sync
  *                                     messages filtering.
  *     Justin Ossevoort        :       Fix endian problem on sync message size.
+  *    Hans Schillstrom        :       Added IPv6 and Persistence support
@@ -412,53 +413,173 @@ void ip_vs_sync_conn(struct ip_vs_conn *cp)
+ * fill_param used for proto version 0
+ */
 static inline int
-ip_vs_conn_fill_param_sync(int af, int protocol,
-                          const union nf_inet_addr *caddr, __be16 cport,
-                          const union nf_inet_addr *vaddr, __be16 vport,
+ip_vs_conn_fill_param_sync_v0(int af, struct ip_vs_sync_conn_v0 *sc,
                           struct ip_vs_conn_param *p)
-       /* XXX: Need to take into account persistence engine */
-       ip_vs_conn_fill_param(af, protocol, caddr, cport, vaddr, vport, p);
+       ip_vs_conn_fill_param(af, sc->protocol,
+                          (const union nf_inet_addr *)&sc->caddr,
+                          sc->cport,
+                          (const union nf_inet_addr *)&sc->vaddr,
+                          sc->vport, p);
        return 0;
- *      Process received multicast message and create the corresponding
- *      ip_vs_conn entries.
+ *  fill_param used by version 1
-static void ip_vs_process_message(const char *buffer, const size_t buflen)
+static inline int
+ip_vs_conn_fill_param_sync(int af, union ip_vs_sync_conn *sc,
+                          struct ip_vs_conn_param *p, char *pe_data,
+                          int pe_data_len, char *pe_name, int pe_name_len )
+       if ( af == AF_INET6 )
+               ip_vs_conn_fill_param(af, sc->v6.protocol,
+                                  (const union nf_inet_addr *)&sc->v6.caddr,
+                                  sc->v6.cport,
+                                  (const union nf_inet_addr *)&sc->v6.vaddr,
+                                  sc->v6.vport, p);
+       else
+               ip_vs_conn_fill_param(af, sc->v4.protocol,
+                                  (const union nf_inet_addr *)&sc->v4.caddr,
+                                  sc->v4.cport,
+                                  (const union nf_inet_addr *)&sc->v4.vaddr,
+                                  sc->v4.vport, p);
+       /* Handle pe data */
+       if (pe_data_len && pe_data ) {
+               IP_VS_DBG(10, "%s() pe_data=%s\n", __func__, pe_data);
+               p->pe_data = kmalloc(pe_data_len, GFP_ATOMIC);
+               if (!p->pe_data)
+                       return -ENOMEM;
+               memcpy(p->pe_data, pe_data, pe_data_len);
+               p->pe_data_len = pe_data_len;
+               if (pe_name && pe_name_len) {
+                       p->pe = ip_vs_pe_get(pe_name);
+                       IP_VS_DBG(10, "%s() pe_name=%s\n", __func__, pe_name);
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
+ *  Connection Add / Update.
+ *  Common for version 0 and 1 reception of backup messages.
+ *  Param: ...
+ *         timeout is in sec.
+ */
+static void ip_vs_proc_conn(struct ip_vs_conn_param *param,  unsigned flags,
+                           unsigned state, unsigned protocol, unsigned type,
+                           const union nf_inet_addr *daddr, __be16 dport,
+                           unsigned long timeout, __u32 fwmark,
+                           struct ip_vs_sync_conn_options *opt,
+                           struct ip_vs_protocol *pp )
+       struct ip_vs_dest *dest;
+       struct ip_vs_conn *cp;
+       if (!(flags & IP_VS_CONN_F_TEMPLATE))
+               cp = ip_vs_conn_in_get(param);
+       else
+               cp = ip_vs_ct_in_get(param);
+       if (!cp) {
+               /*
+                * Find the appropriate destination for the connection.
+                * If it is not found the connection will remain unbound
+                * but still handled.
+                */
+               dest = ip_vs_find_dest(type, daddr, dport, param->vaddr,
+                                      param->vport, protocol, fwmark);
+               /*  Set the approprite ativity flag */
+               if (protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) {
+                       if (state != IP_VS_TCP_S_ESTABLISHED)
+                               flags |= IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
+                       else
+                               flags &= ~IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
+               } else if (protocol == IPPROTO_SCTP) {
+                       if (state != IP_VS_SCTP_S_ESTABLISHED)
+                               flags |= IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
+                       else
+                               flags &= ~IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
+               }
+               cp = ip_vs_conn_new(param, daddr, dport, flags, dest, fwmark);
+               if (dest)
+                       atomic_dec(&dest->refcnt);
+               if (!cp) {
+                       pr_err("ip_vs_conn_new failed\n");
+                       return;
+               }
+       } else if (!cp->dest) {
+               dest = ip_vs_try_bind_dest(cp);
+               if (dest)
+                       atomic_dec(&dest->refcnt);
+       } else if ((cp->dest) && (cp->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) &&
+                  (cp->state != state)) {
+               /* update active/inactive flag for the connection */
+               dest = cp->dest;
+               if (!(cp->flags & IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE) &&
+                       (state != IP_VS_TCP_S_ESTABLISHED)) {
+                       atomic_dec(&dest->activeconns);
+                       atomic_inc(&dest->inactconns);
+                       cp->flags |= IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
+               } else if ((cp->flags & IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE) &&
+                       (state == IP_VS_TCP_S_ESTABLISHED)) {
+                       atomic_inc(&dest->activeconns);
+                       atomic_dec(&dest->inactconns);
+                       cp->flags &= ~IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
+               }
+       } else if ((cp->dest) && (cp->protocol == IPPROTO_SCTP) &&
+                  (cp->state != state)) {
+               dest = cp->dest;
+               if (!(cp->flags & IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE) &&
+                    (state != IP_VS_SCTP_S_ESTABLISHED)) {
+                   atomic_dec(&dest->activeconns);
+                   atomic_inc(&dest->inactconns);
+                   cp->flags &= ~IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
+               }
+       }
+       if (opt)
+               memcpy(&cp->in_seq, opt, sizeof(*opt));
+       atomic_set(&cp->in_pkts, sysctl_ip_vs_sync_threshold[0]);
+       cp->state = state;
+       cp->old_state = cp->state;
+       /*
+        * For old messages style
+        *  - Not possible to recover the right timeout for templates
+        *  - can not find the right fwmark
+        *    virtual service. If needed, we can do it for
+        *    non-fwmark persistent services.
+        * New messages style
+        *  - No problem.
+        */
+       if (timeout)
+               cp->timeout = timeout*HZ;
+       else if (!(flags & IP_VS_CONN_F_TEMPLATE) && pp->timeout_table)
+               cp->timeout = pp->timeout_table[state];
+       else
+               cp->timeout = (3*60*HZ);
+       ip_vs_conn_put(cp);
+ *  Process received multicast message for Version 0
+ */
+static void ip_vs_process_message_v0(const char *buffer, const size_t buflen)
        struct ip_vs_sync_mesg *m = (struct ip_vs_sync_mesg *)buffer;
        struct ip_vs_sync_conn_v0 *s;
        struct ip_vs_sync_conn_options *opt;
-       struct ip_vs_conn *cp;
        struct ip_vs_protocol *pp;
-       struct ip_vs_dest *dest;
        struct ip_vs_conn_param param;
        char *p;
        int i;
-       if (buflen < sizeof(struct ip_vs_sync_mesg)) {
-               IP_VS_ERR_RL("sync message header too short\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       /* Convert size back to host byte order */
-       m->size = ntohs(m->size);
-       if (buflen != m->size) {
-               IP_VS_ERR_RL("bogus sync message size\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       /* SyncID sanity check */
-       if (ip_vs_backup_syncid != 0 && m->syncid != ip_vs_backup_syncid) {
-               IP_VS_DBG(7, "Ignoring incoming msg with syncid = %d\n",
-                         m->syncid);
-               return;
-       }
        p = (char *)buffer + sizeof(struct ip_vs_sync_mesg);
        for (i=0; i<m->nr_conns; i++) {
                unsigned flags, state;
@@ -505,103 +626,214 @@ static void ip_vs_process_message(const char *buffer, 
const size_t buflen)
-               {
-                       if (ip_vs_conn_fill_param_sync(AF_INET, s->protocol,
-                                             (union nf_inet_addr *)&s->caddr,
-                                             s->cport,
-                                             (union nf_inet_addr *)&s->vaddr,
-                                             s->vport, &param)) {
-                               pr_err("ip_vs_conn_fill_param_sync failed");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (!(flags & IP_VS_CONN_F_TEMPLATE))
-                               cp = ip_vs_conn_in_get(&param);
-                       else
-                               cp = ip_vs_ct_in_get(&param);
+               if (ip_vs_conn_fill_param_sync_v0(AF_INET, s, &param)) {
+                       pr_err("ip_vs_conn_fill_param_sync failed");
+                       return;
-               if (!cp) {
-                       /*
-                        * Find the appropriate destination for the connection.
-                        * If it is not found the connection will remain unbound
-                        * but still handled.
-                        */
-                       dest = ip_vs_find_dest(AF_INET,
-                                              (union nf_inet_addr *)&s->daddr,
-                                              s->dport,
-                                              (union nf_inet_addr *)&s->vaddr,
-                                              s->vport,
-                                              s->protocol, 0);
-                       /*  Set the approprite ativity flag */
-                       if (s->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) {
-                               if (state != IP_VS_TCP_S_ESTABLISHED)
-                                       flags |= IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
-                               else
-                                       flags &= ~IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
-                       } else if (s->protocol == IPPROTO_SCTP) {
-                               if (state != IP_VS_SCTP_S_ESTABLISHED)
-                                       flags |= IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
-                               else
-                                       flags &= ~IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
+               /* Send timeout as Zero */
+               ip_vs_proc_conn(&param, flags, state, s-> protocol, AF_INET,
+                               (union nf_inet_addr *)&s->daddr, s->dport,
+                               0, 0, opt, pp );
+       }
+ *      Process received multicast message and create the corresponding
+ *      ip_vs_conn entries.
+ *      Handles Version 0 & 1
+ */
+static void ip_vs_process_message(const char *buffer, const size_t buflen)
+       struct ip_vs_sync_mesg_v2 *m2 = (struct ip_vs_sync_mesg_v2 *)buffer;
+       union  ip_vs_sync_conn *s;
+       struct ip_vs_protocol *pp;
+       struct ip_vs_conn_param param;
+       char *p;
+       int i, af, nr_conns;
+       if (buflen < sizeof(struct ip_vs_sync_mesg)) {
+               IP_VS_ERR_RL("sync message header too short\n");
+               return;
+       }
+       /* Convert size back to host byte order */
+       m2->size = ntohs(m2->size);
+       if (buflen != m2->size) {
+               IP_VS_ERR_RL("bogus sync message size\n");
+               return;
+       }
+       /* SyncID sanity check */
+       if (ip_vs_backup_syncid != 0 && m2->syncid != ip_vs_backup_syncid) {
+               IP_VS_DBG(7, "Ignoring incoming msg with syncid = %d\n",
+                         m2->syncid);
+               return;
+       }
+       /* Prepare ptrs for version 1 or 2 message */
+       if ( m2->version==SYNC_PROTO_VER && m2->reserverd==0 && m2->spare==0) {
+              p = (char *)buffer + sizeof(struct ip_vs_sync_mesg_v2);
+              nr_conns = m2->nr_conns;
+              IP_VS_DBG(7, "%s Message v 1, %d bytes with %d conns\n",
+                        __func__, m2->size & SVER_MASK, m2->nr_conns);
+       } else {
+               /* Old type of message */
+               ip_vs_process_message_v0(buffer, buflen);
+               return;
+       }
+       for (i=0; i<nr_conns; i++) {
+               char *msgEnd;
+               __u32 flags;
+               unsigned state, size, opt_flags=0;
+               struct ip_vs_sync_conn_options opt;
+               char *pe_data=NULL, *pe_name=NULL;
+               unsigned pe_data_len=0, pe_name_len=0;
+               unsigned unknownOpt=0;
+               s = (union ip_vs_sync_conn *) p;
+               size = ntohs(s->v4.ver_size) & SVER_MASK;
+               msgEnd = p + size;
+               if (msgEnd  > buffer+buflen) {
+                       IP_VS_ERR_RL("bogus conn/size in sync message\n");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (ntohs( s->v4.ver_size) >> SVER_SHIFT) {
+                       IP_VS_ERR_RL("Unknown version %d in sync message\n",
+                                       ntohs( s->v4.ver_size) >> SVER_SHIFT);
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (s->v6.type & STYPE_INET6  ) {
+                       af = AF_INET6;
+                       p += sizeof(struct ip_vs_sync_v6);
+                       IP_VS_DBG(2,"IPv6 sync message received, and IPVS is 
not compiled for IPv6\n");
+                       p = (char *)s + size;           
+                       continue;
+               } else {
+                       af = AF_INET;
+                       p += sizeof(struct ip_vs_sync_v4);
+               }
+               /* Mask off unsupported flags */
+               flags  = ntohl(s->v4.flags) & IP_VS_CONN_F_BACKUP_MASK;
+               flags |= IP_VS_CONN_F_SYNC;
+               state = ntohs(s->v4.state);
+               if (p > buffer+buflen) {
+                       IP_VS_ERR_RL("bogus conn in sync message\n");
+                       return;
+               }
+               /* Process options check optType & optLen
+                *      *p = opt type
+                *   *(p+1)= opt len
+                */
+               while ( p< msgEnd && *p && *(p+1) && p + *(p+1) < msgEnd ) {
+                       switch (*(p++) & 0x7f) {
+                       /* Handle seq option  *p = opt len */
+                       case IPVS_OPT_SEQ_DATA:
+                               if(*p != sizeof(struct 
ip_vs_sync_conn_options)) {
+                                       IP_VS_ERR_RL("bogus conn options in 
sync message\n");
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               memcpy((void*)&opt, p+1, *p);
+                               opt_flags |= IPVS_OPT_F_SEQ_DATA;
+                               break;
+                       case IPVS_OPT_PE_DATA:
+                               if (*p > IP_VS_PEDATA_MAXLEN) {
+                                       IP_VS_ERR_RL("bogus pe_data len in sync 
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               pe_data_len = *p;
+                               pe_data = p+1;
+                               opt_flags |= IPVS_OPT_F_PE_DATA;
+                               break;
+                       case IPVS_OPT_PE_NAME:
+                               if (*p > (IP_VS_PENAME_MAXLEN+1)) {
+                                       IP_VS_ERR_RL("bogus pe_name len in sync 
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               pe_name_len = *p;
+                               pe_name = p+1;
+                               if (*(p+pe_name_len)) {
+                                       IP_VS_ERR_RL("bogus pe_name no trailing 
null in sync message\n");
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               opt_flags |= IPVS_OPT_F_PE_NAME;
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               /* Optional data ? */
+                               if( !(*(p-1) & STYPE_OPT_DATA)) {
+                                       IP_VS_ERR_RL("Unknown mandatory option 
found %d in sync message\n", *(p-1));
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               IP_VS_DBG(2,"Unknown option found %d in sync 
+                                            *(p-1));
+                               unknownOpt = 1;
-                       cp = ip_vs_conn_new(&param,
-                                           (union nf_inet_addr *)&s->daddr,
-                                           s->dport, flags, dest, 0);
-                       if (dest)
-                               atomic_dec(&dest->refcnt);
-                       if (!cp) {
-                               pr_err("ip_vs_conn_new failed\n");
-                               return;
+                       p += (*p) + 1;  /* Next option */
+               }
+               if (unknownOpt)
+                       continue;       /* Skip this take next */
+               if (!(flags & IP_VS_CONN_F_TEMPLATE)) {
+                       pp = ip_vs_proto_get(s->v4.protocol);
+                       if (!pp) {
+                               IP_VS_ERR_RL("Unsupported protocol %u in sync 
+                                       s->v4.protocol);
+                               continue;
-               } else if (!cp->dest) {
-                       dest = ip_vs_try_bind_dest(cp);
-                       if (dest)
-                               atomic_dec(&dest->refcnt);
-               } else if ((cp->dest) && (cp->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) &&
-                          (cp->state != state)) {
-                       /* update active/inactive flag for the connection */
-                       dest = cp->dest;
-                       if (!(cp->flags & IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE) &&
-                               (state != IP_VS_TCP_S_ESTABLISHED)) {
-                               atomic_dec(&dest->activeconns);
-                               atomic_inc(&dest->inactconns);
-                               cp->flags |= IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
-                       } else if ((cp->flags & IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE) &&
-                               (state == IP_VS_TCP_S_ESTABLISHED)) {
-                               atomic_inc(&dest->activeconns);
-                               atomic_dec(&dest->inactconns);
-                               cp->flags &= ~IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
+                       if (state >= pp->num_states) {
+                               IP_VS_DBG(2, "Invalid %s state %u in sync 
+                                       pp->name, state);
+                               continue;
-               } else if ((cp->dest) && (cp->protocol == IPPROTO_SCTP) &&
-                          (cp->state != state)) {
-                       dest = cp->dest;
-                       if (!(cp->flags & IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE) &&
-                            (state != IP_VS_SCTP_S_ESTABLISHED)) {
-                           atomic_dec(&dest->activeconns);
-                           atomic_inc(&dest->inactconns);
-                           cp->flags &= ~IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE;
+               } else {
+                       /* protocol in templates is not used for state/timeout 
+                       pp = NULL;
+                       if (state > 0) {
+                               IP_VS_DBG(2, "Invalid template state %u in sync 
+                                       state);
+                               state = 0;
-               if (opt)
-                       memcpy(&cp->in_seq, opt, sizeof(*opt));
-               atomic_set(&cp->in_pkts, sysctl_ip_vs_sync_threshold[0]);
-               cp->state = state;
-               cp->old_state = cp->state;
-               /*
-                * We can not recover the right timeout for templates
-                * in all cases, we can not find the right fwmark
-                * virtual service. If needed, we can do it for
-                * non-fwmark persistent services.
-                */
-               if (!(flags & IP_VS_CONN_F_TEMPLATE) && pp->timeout_table)
-                       cp->timeout = pp->timeout_table[state];
+               if (ip_vs_conn_fill_param_sync(af, s, &param,
+                                              pe_data, pe_data_len,
+                                              pe_name, pe_name_len)) {
+                       pr_err("ip_vs_conn_fill_param_sync failed");
+                       return;
+               }
+               /* If only IPv4, just silent skip IPv6 */
+               if ( af == AF_INET )
+                       ip_vs_proc_conn(&param, flags, state, s->v4.protocol,
+                                       af,
+                                       (union nf_inet_addr *)&s->v4.daddr,
+                                       s->v4.dport, ntohl(s->v4.timeout),
+                                       ntohl(s->v4.fwmark),
+                                       (opt_flags & IPVS_OPT_F_SEQ_DATA
+                                        ? &opt : NULL),
+                                       pp);
-                       cp->timeout = (3*60*HZ);
-               ip_vs_conn_put(cp);
-       }
+                       ip_vs_proc_conn(&param, flags, state, s->v6.protocol,
+                                       af,
+                                       (union nf_inet_addr *)&s->v6.daddr,
+                                       s->v6.dport, ntohl(s->v6.timeout),
+                                       ntohl(s->v6.fwmark),
+                                       (opt_flags & IPVS_OPT_F_SEQ_DATA
+                                         ? &opt : NULL),
+                                       pp);
+               p = (char *)s + size;
+       } /* End of for(...) */
  *      Setup loopback of outgoing multicasts on a sending socket

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