
Re: load balancing the load balancer.

To: klynn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: load balancing the load balancer.
Cc: linux-virtualserver@xxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Wensong Zhang <wensong@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 19:47:39 +0800
At 19:24 98-11-17 -0800, klynn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>I've been doing some thinking and was wondering if anyone has come up with
>a way to load balance the load balancers. So you could have 2 or 3 of the
>load balancers(virtual server enabled) distributed to handle the load for
>high amounts of bandwidth.

Round-robin DNS can be used to load-balance the load balancers.

This hybrid method can be adopted to contruct a very-high performance web
server, which can carry hugh amounts of web traffics. :-)


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