
Transparent Proxying

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Transparent Proxying
From: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 23:40:51 -0800
There appears to be a slight documentation error on 
the site :)

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To: "Brian L. DiMambro" <dimambro@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: ipchains redirect for ARP LVS problem
From: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 23:07:33 -0800
On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 09:44:19PM -0800, Brian L. DiMambro wrote:
> Hi, my name is Brian DiMambro and IHAQ about the ipchains redirect to
> solve the LVS-DR arp problem. I have a cluster I am building using
> LVS-DR and have tried to execute the following command based on the
> information from the LVS documentation site:
> # ipchains -A  input -j REDIRECT 80 -d 80
> I keep getting a port must be tcp, udp or ICMP message from ipchains.
> I tried inserting -p all to cover all protocols but it exited the
> command like it didn't understand the parameter. I have been through the
> man page on ipchains and have tried everything I could think of with no
> success. I am running Red Hat 6.1 with a clean 2.2.13 kernel. I woul
> really appreciate it if you would please email me a working example of
> your redirect work around and any other suggestions you may have on
> getting LVS/DR to work.

For TCP Try 

ipchains -A  input -j REDIRECT 80 -d 80 -p tcp

For UDP try

ipchains -A  input -j REDIRECT 80 -d 80 -p udp

To verify that this has worked use

ipchains -L  input

Incidently, while you do need to provide a protocol, you do not
need to supply a prot number so the comands could cover all ports
in one hit per protocol as follows:

ipchains -A  input -j REDIRECT -d -p tcp
ipchains -A  input -j REDIRECT -d -p udp


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