
Some fixes and features to piranha

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Some fixes and features to piranha
From: Flavio Pescuma <edtfopa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 12:23:01 +0200

Piranha 0.4-12 didn't have some features that we needed and had some
bugs too.  Specially signaling between parents and children, here is a
patch that fixes this.  We also needed to be able to edit the weight
dynamically, so I suppressed the uptime check and instead if you send a
hup to pulse or lvs it will reread the config file and if the weight has
being changed it will send it to nanny via a pipe I created and nanny
will call ipvsadm with -e and edit the weight. I also created a nasty c
program called create_lvs which reads two files
/etc/sysconfig/ and  /etc/sysconfig/ and creates with some error check this was meant for split administration and
better integration to our web interface.  IPchains is called from lvs,
adds and deletes rules dynamically from a user created chain called
ipvsin.  Well I hope is useful for someone


WIRE - Web & Internet Resources at Ericsson
Flavio Pescuma           phone: +46 (0)8 7263359
L M Ericsson Data AB     fax:   +46 (0)8 7217207
125 82 Stockholm Sweden

Attachment: piranha-0.4.12-1.wire.patch
Description: Binary data

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