On Wed, 26 Apr 2000 12:23:01 +0200, Flavio Pescuma wrote:
>Piranha 0.4-12 didn't have some features that we needed and had some
>bugs too. Specially signaling between parents and children, here is a
>patch that fixes this. We also needed to be able to edit the weight
>dynamically, so I suppressed the uptime check and instead if you send a
>hup to pulse or lvs it will reread the config file and if the weight has
>being changed it will send it to nanny via a pipe I created and nanny
>will call ipvsadm with -e and edit the weight. I also created a nasty c
>program called create_lvs which reads two files
>/etc/sysconfig/lvs_global.cf and /etc/sysconfig/ipvs.cf and creates
>lvs.cf with some error check this was meant for split administration and
>better integration to our web interface. IPchains is called from lvs,
>adds and deletes rules dynamically from a user created chain called
>ipvsin. Well I hope is useful for someone
These are some nice features that I was interested in seeing happen for
the 0.4.x piranha tree (which didn't). You should work with Keith
about getting these patches into the next devel tree branch (we are
working on 0.5.x now). <kbarrett@xxxxxxxxxx>
Mike Wangsmo Red Hat, Inc
"I think qmail got mad, took its ball and went home." - Steve Wills