
Does piranha include ipvs patch?

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Does piranha include ipvs patch?
From: Weihong Wang <wwang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 11:17:14 -0600 (MDT)

I'm working on my thesis in linux LVS area. I use linux
redhat-6.2(kernel-2.2.14) and piranha-0.4.12 right now. The NAT worked
properly .

I'm planning to upgrade the kernel and piranha. I appreciate if anbody
can help me with the following few questions.

        1. Does piranha new version(0.4.16-2) include ipvs patch? If I
           upgrade kernel to 2.2.16 for the new piranha, do I need to
           patch ipvs 0.9.15 for it?

        2. Does piranha-0.4.12 and piranha-0.4.16-2 support IP tunneling
           and IPDR.

        3. With my current set up, piranha only support NAT web service,
           and NAT ftp does not work. What problem might be?

        4. When I tried to install piranha-0.4.16-2, it shows that I need
           kernel-2.2.16-2. Is there any difference between kernel-2.2.16
           and 2.2.16-2? Where can I get kernel 2.2.16-2?

Thank you very much for your help and time!


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