
Re: IPVS v0.0.3 for kernel 2.4

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: IPVS v0.0.3 for kernel 2.4
From: Greg Cope <gjjc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2000 11:23:50 +0000
Jason Saunders wrote:
> Greg Cope wrote:
> >
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > The IPVS v0.0.3 for kernel 2.4 is available.
> > > >
> > > > IP Virtual Server Netfilter module - Version 0.0.3 - July 6, 2000> >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > >
> > > > Wensong
> >
> > Thanks Wensong - its good to see a progress.
> >
> > A quick Q.
> >
> > Are you planning to add any functionality to load ballance (via LVS)
> > HTTP 1.1 Domains.  i.e be able to load ballance serveral HTTP (1.0 and
> > 1.1) domains
> > onto mulitple backend servers via the same front-end IP address ?  (i.e
> > different domains mapped to (potentially different servers).
> I take it you're talking about name-based virtual hosts? There's a way
> you can do this with either mod_proxy or mod_rewrite (which is much more
> configurable than mod_proxy). Check out
> for info on what it can
> do.

Not quite - What I'm after is a loadballancer that looks at the
application layers domain name and routes on that eg: = ip 555.555.555.555 = ip 555.555.555.555

loadballancer = ip 555.555.555.555 (i.e accepts trafic for

webserver 1 = ip
webserver 2 = ip
webserver 3 = ip
webserver 4 = ip
webserver 5 = ip

Now I want to route to webservers 1 and 2, but
to webservers 3 and 4, and have trafic go to webserver 5 if others are
buzy / down.

lvs as I understand can only do this via looking at a port / ip combo -
so I would either have to have to use different ports (not practicle for
transparency reasons) or different IP's - which makes configuring the
lvs boxes a bit tricky when you have more than a few domains.

The Coyote Systems mentioned above can apparently have 256 front end
domains routed to 1024 backend servers.

If I can add that this is for a hosting company idea - we may be hosting
multiple domains on all sorts of different hardware (Linux at the mo -
but there is a least one solaris box, and a few NT ones.).  If we want
to loadballance a few of these domains we are either going to have to
buy boxes for lvs for each domain or looking at spending 10K to 40K US -
(for a redundant solution of 2 loadballancers) - which is a bit OTT as
with a bit of extra funtionality lvs could do what we want for 1/10th of

I do not have an issue with spending that sort of money - but I would
love to see Linux / lvs enter this area as it would be yet another win
for linux and lvs.

Is the above an area where lvs may be going ?  I would help but I can
only read C - let alone write any ;-) - I can help with any perl tho.

Thanks you your time.

Greg Cope

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