
Re: observation with ldirectord and using fwmark

To: "Jeremy Hansen" <jeremy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: observation with ldirectord and using fwmark
From: "Ted Pavlic" <tpavlic@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 08:02:53 -0400
I know you've solved your problem with checkport, but I wanted to add
another note about the versatility of using fwmark.

Using fwmark, you can setup something which used to be a big desire in LVS,
persistence by port groups.

For example... Say you were serving HTTP and HTTPS. In this case, you would
probably want calls to one HTTP server to end up hitting the same HTTPS
server. This way session information and such would be accessable no matter
how the end-user was accessing the website.

Say you also wanted all forms of FTP to work... You would need persistence
there, but not necessarily the same persistence as HTTP/HTTPS.

And other protocols do not need to be persistent.

Back in the olden days before fwmark, to do any of this you would have to
make ALL ports persistent. You couldn't simply say "Group 80 and 443
together and make them persistent and then make 21, 20, AND 1024:65535
persistent." If one service went down, you would have to bring down ALL
services. Some sort of persistence by port groups would allow you to only
need to take down whatever went down and the affected server could still
serve other services.

FWMARK allows you to do this by way of setting up multiple FWMARKs.

That is -- you can use ipchains to say that:





Then in LVS, setup:

FWMARK1 --> WLC Persistent 600

FWMARK2 --> WLC Persistent 300



And if FTP went down, all you'd have to do is stop scheduling FTP rather
than stop scheduling EVERYTHING.

Also note that FWMARK makes setting up MASS VIPs really easy (of course
because of recent ARIN policy changes, this probably won't be done much more
anymore). That is, if you wanted to load balance 1000 VIPs, it might be easy
to setup one single rule in ipchains to cover them all, where it would be
1000 rules for EACH real server in ipvsadm.

Just a few reasons why I think the FWMARK support in LVS makes LVS a lot
more powerful.

It makes me think that if there was a utility already out there that could
sit on a director and figure out where name-based packets were going it
might be able to mark each name-based host with a different FWMARK and pass
that right back to LVS... Then LVS wouldn't have to worry about handling
name-based stuff ITSELF. Of course the name-based challenge is even more
challenging considering how much data needs to be looked at to figure out if
a TCP stream is a name-based HTTP session going to specific name X.... but
that's a completely other argument... Just food for thought.

All the best --

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Hansen" <jeremy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 3:19 PM
Subject: observation with ldirectord and using fwmark

> Now that Horms fixed ldirectord to work with fwmark, I've made an
> observation and I want to see if my concern is valid.
> The cool thing about using fwmark for me is the fact that you can do
> something like this:
> -A input -s -d 80:80 -p 6 -m 1
> -A input -s -d 443:443 -p 6 -m 1
> -A input -s -d 21:21 -p 6 -m 1
> I can associate a bunch of different but specific ports to a single fwmark
> and then this allows me to place a single rule in ipvsadm:
> ipvsadm -A -f 1
> ipvsadm -a -f 1  -r
> ipvsadm -a -f 1  -r
> IP Virtual Server version 0.9.15 (size=8192)
> Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
>   -> RemoteAddress:Port          Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
> FWM  1 wlc
>   ->                 Route   1      0          0
>   ->                 Route   1      0          0
> So this is great, cause if I have ftp, https, http all associate with
> fwmark 1 for a group of services that will definitely be balances accross
> all real server, then this to me makes thing real simple.  One rule, three
> different services, clean and nice.
> But the problem with this is that ldirectord then seem to get
> confused.  Something like this in my config:
> virtual=1
>         real= gate
>         real= gate
>         fallback=
>         service=none
>         scheduler=rr
>         #persistent=600
>         protocol=fwm
>         checktype=connect
> just causes ldirectord to fail and use the fallback server and I'm
> assuming this is because the port 0 is used as the reference as to what
> port to use to connect and test.
> So, is there any way around this?
> Using something like real= makes it work fine of course, but
> won't this screw up my ability to fwmark multiple ports?
> Thanks
> -jeremy
> * jeremy@xxxxxxxxxx
> -----------------------------------------
> eholes have feelings too...

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