
NFS mounting from a NAT cluster

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: NFS mounting from a NAT cluster
From: Stephen Rowles <spr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 12:03:59 +0100
hi all,

I am building a load balanced compute cluster which due to problems with my ATM (see lots of previous posts ;) I am now using a NAT cluster.

The cluster is up and running and seems to work fine.... However I have a problem with NFS mounted home directories. All the users that login to the cluster have their home directories served via NFS from a couple of large SGI file servers.

All the nodes and the director run linux 2.2.16, and they use amd to mount the home directories and software directories on login. The problem is due to the security setup. Only specified netgroups, and some machines which are exceptions, are allowed to mount anything from the file servers.

The director is allowed to mount, but when a node tries to mount the NFS file server thinks that the request is coming from "<unknown>" which it tries to match against a netgroup and fails... so you can't mount.

For now we have just added "<unknown>" to the list of allowed mounts (very bad solution but this has to be up and running by monday). Has anybody come across this before? and anybody got any ideas?

All suggestions welcome.



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