
Re: NFS mounting from a NAT cluster

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: NFS mounting from a NAT cluster
Cc: Joseph Mack <mack.joseph@xxxxxxx>
From: Stephen Rowles <spr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 12:28:53 +0100
At 07:18 05/10/2000 -0400, you wrote:

> The director is allowed to mount, but when a node tries to mount the NFS

I assume "node" means real-server.

yep - sorry real-server

> file server thinks that the request is coming from "<unknown>" which it
> tries to match against a netgroup and fails... so you can't mount.

This doesn't sound like an LVS problem straight off. What happens if you
remove the real-server from the LVS and try to mount the home directories
onto the real-server box?

I don't think it is specifically an LVS problem - more likely a NAT / NFS problem. The machines work fine when connected directly to network (they are the same install as is used for other standard linux boxes in the lab, but with some LVS / NAT modifications)

I think that the problem might lie more with the NAT side of things due to the fact that the NFS server thinks the machine is "<unknown>" rather than a recognised host despite being in all the appropriate host yp files.

I realise that this is slightly off-topic as there probably isn't an LVS problem, but I thought it might be something other people had experienced or a problem that others might have in the future.

Thanks for the help,


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