
Tunneling NFS through SSH

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Tunneling NFS through SSH
From: Nathan Polonski <Nathan.Polonski@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 12:39:44 -0400

Has anyone tried to tunnel nfs using SSH and an LVS system?
I would like to tunnel an nfs connection from my realservers to a fileserver outside of the lvs system.
When I try this, the file server sees the connection attempt, but rejects it because it is coming in on the wrong port number. Is there a rule that I need to setup in IPCHAINS to allow the proper translation of SSH (or NFS?)?

If the file server is "FILESERV", the linux director(router) is LINUXDIRECTOR,  and the arbitrary port number is "1234" the SSH command looks something like this:

[root@realserver]# ssh -L 1234:FILESERV:2049 FILESERV

The fstab entry on the realserver looks something like this:
FILESERV:/files/in      /mnt/FILESERV           nfs     exec,port=1234,dev,suid,rw,bg,soft 1 1

The client responds by saying "access denied".

The server log reports:
refused mount request from LINUXDIRECTOR for /files/in (/files/in): illegal port 61037

Something in the routing is screwing up the port number. Can anyone help?

Nathan Polonski
Network  Engineer
NewsEdge Corporation <>

Telephone (781)229-3165
Fax (781)313-5606

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