
Re: direct routing and you.

To: tc lewis <tcl@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: direct routing and you.
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Joseph Mack <mack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 18:53:23 -0500 (EST)
> sure.  the way i understand it, at least with lvs' direct routing, is
> this:
> a packet comes in to a router.  the router sends it along to the balancer.
> the balancer checks its ipvs (managed with ipvsadm or some other tool)
> table to see where the packet should be directed to, and does any
> necessary calculations in the process in terms of round robin or least
> connection or weighted values and if persistence is on.  the packet is
> then pushed along to the proper real server via the real server's network
> interface's hardware address.  the real server then, assuming proper
> configuration,

which is that it accepts packets for the VIP (ie has the VIP as a local
address, or you have transparent proxy setup to accept packets for the

 accepts the packet, processes it however necessary (web
> request?  etc) and sends its response (if any) 

it's going to at least have to send an ACK

back to the requesting
> client ip.  the real server's gateway (next hop) is that router in step 1.

usually, but it can be another router too.

> lvs' nat method, in contrast, works by the packet going through the router
> to the balancer, the balancer does similar procesing of determining which
> real server it should go to, then rewrites the packet's destination
> ip/port 


(source ip/port also?)

no, otherwise there'd be no way to remember who to send the reply packets

, and sends it to the real server.  the real
> server processes it, and sends the response back.  the real server's
> gateway is the _balancer_.  so the balancer then gets the response packet,
> rewrites it again to put the proper source/destination 

puts the VIP:port as the source of the reply packet

information back in
> it, and the balancer then sends it along to the router and back to the
> client.
> here are some typical reasons i've heard as to why lvs' dr won't fly, and
> the workarounds:
> . in order for the real server to send directly back to the client, the
> real server needs a route to get there.  this is usually accomplished by
> giving the machine a real public ip and route. 

real-servers in VS-DR send reply packets from the VIP. All other IP's
on the real-servers can be private and non-routable (eg 192.168.x.x). You
aren't using any extra IPs.

 this is a waste of ip
> space and an extra missed layer of security.  the workaround is to give
> the real servers internal unroutable ips, and set their gateway to the
> router's address, and add the router's route the the real server.
> unfortunately, this isn't enough for proper arp requests and responses to
> be sent between the router and real server. 

 the solution is to add a
> static arp entry in the real server's arp table of the router's ip and mac
> address. 

I hadn't thought about this. I have the router with an 192.168.x.x address
and an address in the network of the VIP, so can communicate with the
real-servers and the director.

So what are the minimum addresses for the inside of the router, the
outside of the director and the real-servers?

Joseph Mack mack@xxxxxxxxxxx

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