
Re: Some doubts about LVS

To: Teh Yong Wei <ywteh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Some doubts about LVS
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Lars Marowsky-Bree <lmb@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 09:24:43 +0100
On 2000-11-08T22:44:23,
   Teh Yong Wei <ywteh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> said:

> 1) Can LVS do any load balancing job on database server/application? 
> For example, someone install a database server on the director and the 
> real servers accesing the database on director. Is there any load 
> balancing?

No. Usually your database will not support being distributed over multiple
nodes. If it does (Oracle Parallel Server etc), you can run a LVS setup in
front of the database server (and behind the application servers), but this is
quite expensive.

I would recommend using a HA setup (FailSafe, heartbeat, Kimberlite etc) for
your database server to make it highly available.

> 2) Let say we got a director and a backup for the director and several 
> real servers. As I know that when the director is active, the backup is 
> inactive. Is there any way that both are active so that the backup is 
> not doing nothing but just listening to the heartbeat of the active 
> director?


> 3) Can somebody tells me where to look for success story about lvs or 
> clustering solutions?

This list and should have some.

    Lars Marowsky-Brée <lmb@xxxxxxx>
    Development HA

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