
Some doubts about LVS

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Some doubts about LVS
From: "Teh Yong Wei" <ywteh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 22:44:23 +0800
I have some doubts about LVS:

1) Can LVS do any load balancing job on database server/application? 
For example, someone install a database server on the director and the 
real servers accesing the database on director. Is there any load 

2) Let say we got a director and a backup for the director and several 
real servers. As I know that when the director is active, the backup is 
inactive. Is there any way that both are active so that the backup is 
not doing nothing but just listening to the heartbeat of the active 

3) Can somebody tells me where to look for success story about lvs or 
clustering solutions?

Thank you.

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