
KCAP2.0B1 Released

To: <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: KCAP2.0B1 Released
Cc: <prg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Putchong Uthayopas" <pu@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 13:48:47 +0700

Our group are releasing on web base cluster monitoring and management tools.
This is open source software
(BSD Based License). Please feel free to use it. We hope that this tool will
be useful to everyone.

Parallel Research Group (PRG) , Kasetsart University, Thailand.

ANNOUNCEMENT   :  KCAP 2.0B1 Release

Parallel Research Group, CONSYL
Department of Computer Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Kasetsart University
Proundly announce the availability of  KCAP 2.0B1 web base cluster farm
monitoring tools
This is a part of SMILE Project.

        KCAP is a web-based software that help monitor and manages a Beowulf
Cluster .
This software can monitor and display system resources interactively using
standard web browser.
Moreover, KCAP provides many features that helps both system administrators
users use the system effectively. KCAP is addtional part of SCMS Cluster
management system.


1. REDHAT 6.2 or 7.0 (7.0 not fully tested)
1. SCMS must be installed properly before KCAP can be installed and used.
 scms is available at


**** Display various useful information from any node or all cluster.
This information includes:
--Kernel Massage: display kernel messages.
--Kernel Module: display list of active kernel modules.
--Network Config: display network configuration and routing information.
--Harddisk Space: display information about disk space.
--Memory Space: display the information about  memory space on each node.
--User status: display  user information on each node.
--Process status: display  process status of the cluster.
--Configuration:display system configuration in an easy to browse form

*** Use Java Applet to display realtime system information such as.
--CPU display about User cpu,System cpu,Nice cpu and Idle cpu.
--CTXSW display about number of Context switch.
--Board Temperature display about cpu temperature and fan speed.
--Load Average display about computer load in every 1,5,15 minutes,
  running process and number of process.
--Memory display about Used memory,Idle memory,shared memory and buffer.
--Page display about number of page in and page out.
--Swap display about Swap page.

*** 3D Cluster walkin
- Allow you to walk inside the cluster using VRML. User can interact with
system information in 3D games like environment.
- Require VRML plugin for the browser to use this feature.

 What's new in this version?
--New Friendly & User Interface.
--Add new system configuration.
--Add new feature about User status section.
-- Better Real-time section in graph mode and add new features such as
   Disk and Overall.
--New feature,KCAP Statistic.
This feature will plot history graph of all hardware.


For live demo of KCAP please visit.


To download KCAP , goto PRG software library at


contact prg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for support and bug report.

Parallel Research Group, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
January 4, 2001


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