On Wed, 9 May 2001, Radu-Adrian Feurdean wrote:
> > What is the evidence this is a LVS problem? Any crash report?
> > Is Netfilter running on the same box?
> We're not 100% sure it's ipvs causing the problem. We have on identical
> hardware configurations 2.4.2 running packet filtering, apache and a
> mutant of SuSe ftp-proxy and they are running fine, even at high traffic.
> The ipvs director only runs packet filtering and ipvs, and at high traffic
> crashes after a few hours.
> No crash-logs (they don't arrive to syslog), however, there's plenty of:
> IPVS: did not set timer with refcnt=2, called from e0946f84
You are using 0.2.7 or below. Please, upgrade! In 0.2.12 or
0.8.0 you should report other kind of problems. This message does not
already exist.
> (address varies). Turning off debugging in ipvs at compile-time didn't help.
> And yes, there is netfilter (aka firewall + MASQUERADE) on the same box.
> (here are some other minor problems, like packets - all of them - that don't
> pass through chain OUTPUT, table mangle).
The LVS packets? Is this expected behavior? What is shown
in the Netfilter docs? Do you use the Netfilter's IPFW compat code?
> Radu-Adrian Feurdean
> mailto: raf@xxxxxxxx
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> "If the night is silent enough you can hear a Windows NT rebooting"
Julian Anastasov <ja@xxxxxx>