I think I have everything up and running, but I just noticed
something that I didn't expect, so I'm not sure what's causing it. It's
what I want, but I didn't set things up like I thought I needed to, so I'm
not sure why it's happening :)
I'm using LVS-NAT. I have the director with external IP of x.x.x.254 and
eth0 aliases of x.x.x.242 (and others). I have a real server at y.y.y.2.
For this machine, I don't actually need load balancing, so I'm just using
it as a glorified port forwarder, until I read about -DNAT in iptables.
I have:
[root@router1 /root]# ipvsadm -L -n
IP Virtual Server version 0.8.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP x.x.x.243:22 lc
-> y.y.y.2:22 Masq 1 0 0
I also have the director setup to NAT out going connections.
I hope that's enough of a setup explanation.
The odd thing I'm seeing is if I start an ssh connection from y.y.y.2 to a
machine out on the internet, the source IP that the remote host sees is
x.x.x.242 and not the IP of the director (x.x.x.254) like I expected.
I thought that LVS would only mess with incoming connections and not
outgoing ones, so it surprises me that this is happening (not that I mind,
I just want to know why?)