I had this problem when we set up our LVS-DR system, but it wasn't LVS
that was causing this, it was Tomcat taking it's merry time to compile
our JSP pages. We've since started to pre-compile all our JSP pages on
the RS's before turning them up. That seemed to have fixed our problem.
P.S. We're running 2 RS's, both RH7.1, 2.4.5 kernel, apache 1.3.20
mod_jk with tomcat 3.2.3, the director is also RH7.1, 2.4.5 kernel, with
two virtual hosts.
> Has anyone ever heard or seen something like this? I'm trying
> to figure out
> whether the problem is a DNS issue (we recently changed the
> DNS information
> for the Web site), an issue with LVS or a browser based issue
> (all sorts of
> cache configurations on the browser seem to do no good).
> To hide the ARP we have used the following commands on the
> real servers:
> echo 1 > /proc/suys/net/ipv4/conf/tunl0/hidden
> echo 1 > /proc/suys/net/ipv4/conf/all/hidden