> The problem : Linux kernel doesn't permit to work with many MAC on a single
> NIC (only one at a time)
It took me some time to figure out the purpose of this discussion -- I
think the reason for this is so you can have multiple virtual routers on
one physical interface yes?
The problem is that the RFC calls for a unique MAC address per virtual
router, and the Linux kernel does not permit multiple MAC addresses on a
single interface. So, assuming I'm understanding the problem correctly...
> 3. Aplpy a kernel space patch to reply ARP requests for VRRP VIP => so we
> will be able to handle as many VMAC as VRRP Virtual Router => That way we
> will be RFC compliant.
> 4....
Why not extend this to virtual interfaces (sub-interface in Cisco-speak)
that just happen to use another interface to send traffic out of? Kind of
like the bonding driver... except it behaves as a physical device to all
user-space tools in all ways -- don't just load balance traffic across
multiple physical interfaces, you could have multiple virtuals per
physical, or layer multiple virtuals on top of multiple physicals, etc.
Then, you could just attach whichever vrrpd instance to whichever virtual
interface instance, and off you go.
This would have many possible benefeits above and beyond just VRRP... this
stuff gets used extensively on routers, in my experience.
Kyle Sparger
ksparger@xxxxxxxxxxxx - http://www.dialtone.com
Voice - (954) 581-0097 x 122