
Re: UCD-SNMP Module for lvs

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: UCD-SNMP Module for lvs
From: Roberto Nibali <ratz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 00:07:38 +0100
Hello Romeo,

> Yes. When I remember correct you live in Zurich Chreis 5 (at the end of

the lvs presentation there where discussiona about ADSL providers
and you mentioned to live in Zurich 5)

Exactly :) Where all the bars and the nice girls are.

I live in Zurich Wipkingen so it's several minutes by bike. I suggest to
meet in a bar and discuss this while having a beer.

Beer sounds very good. I'm in, I'll contact you off-list.

Sorry the "one-stop-shop" was misleading. I don't want it to be merged.
From my point of view they should be independent modules and MIBs
I just meant that to have an snmp implementation for both would be more
valuable than just the one for lvs.

Sure. And I'm sure Alexandre Cassen will be more than happy to help us :)

I know you can't change an RFC (not even spelling mistakes).
I just meant, that while designing the definitiv MIB for the lvs part
taking care of that the two MIBs would be consistent in structure and
conventions etc.

So we would need to stick to the naming convention of the already existing MIB for VRRP. And since the field of load balancing doesn't have any naming structures anyways so far we could also invent some :)

Best regards,
Roberto Nibali, ratz

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