
Re: Dual NIC'd Real Servers under LVS-DR

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Dual NIC'd Real Servers under LVS-DR
From: Joseph Mack <mack.joseph@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 13:43:29 -0500
Keith Hellman wrote:

> I do have one nagging lack-of-understanding:
> I have attached a diagram as plain text.

got it. we're reaching new heights of ascii art.

  My understanding is that the following happens:
> 1       A client connects to the VIP on the Director
> 2       The Director (using DR) mods the MAC to an appropriate value for a
> real server, and retransmits on the LAN A
> 3       The RS picks this packet up, and when it transmits back to the
> client, it will go out the default interface (LAN B) - avoiding the LAN A

I'm not sure where LAN A is, but basically yes.
> Here are my questions/impressions:
> A       I'm under the impression that under VS-DR, the Director does not
> finish the TCP session setup - it passes the first packet (SYN?) directly to
> the RS and the RS finishes the session setup with the client - is this
> correct?  Note that I'm only interested in DR.


> B       Packets sent from the real server for TCP/IP session initiation, as
> well as application layer transmission, will always be sent across LAN B  -
> is this correct?

it depends. packets with src_addr=VIP get sent via B to the internet. 
initiated on the realserver have nothing to do with the function of the LVS
and can will have src_addr=DIP. They can be sent anywhere. For an example see

> C       Packets from the Client will ALWAYS go through the Director, and be
> re-routed to the appropriate real server (through LAN A) - is this correct?


> Or will the IP address of the real-server's default interface actually be
> 'noticed' by the client (perhaps not at the application layer, but inside
> the networking stack...) and 100% of client<->RS communications will happen
> across LAN B? 

the client only knows about the VIP and sees the LVS as one machine.

Joseph Mack PhD, Senior Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin
contractor to the National Environmental Supercomputer Center, 
mailto:mack.joseph@xxxxxxx ph# 919-541-0007, RTP, NC, USA

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