
Re: LVS as part of a traffic path?

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: LVS as part of a traffic path?
From: axel-kuester@xxxxxxxxxxx (Axel Kuester)
Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2002 21:39:21 +0100

it seems to be that my wording in my first posting was not precise
enough (or my thoughts are too confusing ;-) ...)

My basic question behind all is:

is it possible to use two director node for a group of real servers in
a topology (as I tried to give in my first posting) so  that they are
on different sides of the RS but are tightly bound  in a way, that
they direct a given traffic (IP network) through the same RS?

              e.g. Internet
           |  Edge Router     |
          | Director A       |----------???-----+
          +------------------+                  |
             |             |                    |
     +--------------+ +--------------+       +---------------------+
     | Real Server  | | Real Server  |--???--|  Management system  |
     | IPsec term.  | | IPsec term.  |       +---------------------+
     +--------------+ +--------------+          |
             |             |                    |
          +------------------+                  |
          | Director B       |----------???-----+
              |            |
    +--------------+   +--------------+
    |  IPSec term. |   |  IPSec term. |
    +--------------+   +--------------+
            |                |
    +--------------+   +--------------+
    | many Clients |   | many Clients |
    +--------------+   +--------------+

Thanks in advance,


(Sorry for the wrong <reply-address> in the first posting. I've
shifted to another provider and forgot to change the settings in my
email client...)

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