
RE: upalert mon issue: OT

To: "'lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: upalert mon issue: OT
From: Paul Lantinga <prl@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 16:40:30 -0500

> mon upalerts. I have read that when mon starts up it
> should be able to send an upalert for every service it
> checks and finds alive. I planned on using this upalert
> to trigger LVS to setup the load balancing for that host.
> This doesnt seem to be happening for me.

I'm doing that exact method with lvs/mon/heartbeat with mon controlling everything.  Mine didn't work at first b/c I forgot to include no_comp_alerts.  I see that you have no_comp_alerts in your config, and AFTER the period wd {Mon-Sun} entry, which is good.  The only other things that comes to mind are:

1. I have no_comp_alerts listed as the first item after period wd {Mon-Sun}.  I have no idea how mon parses its config or if that makes any difference, but there you are.  The man pages do mention that no_comp_alerts is a directive of the period statement.  Try moving your's up.

2. I have startupalerts_on_reset = yes defined in the global section of the file.  Could be this also.  I don't think so, but you never know.

-Paul L.

yer file:
cfbasedir   = /etc/mon
alertdir    = /usr/lib/mon/alert.d
mondir      = /usr/lib/mon/mon.d
maxprocs    = 20
histlength = 100
randstart = 10s
### try adding in startupalerts_on_reset = yes here.... 
authtype = pam

hostgroup ldaptest1

hostgroup ldaptest2

watch ldaptest1
    service ping
        description Ping ldaptest1 in LDAP Cluster
        interval 1m
        monitor fping.monitor
        period wd {Mon-Sun}
            numalerts 10
            alert mail.alert -S "LDAPtest1 server is not pingable!" m.cunningham@xxxxxxxxxxx
            alertevery 1m
            upalert mail.alert -S "LDAPtest1 server is back up!" m.cunningham@xxxxxxxxxxx
            no_comp_alerts  --> perhaps move above the upalert statement??

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