the "SSL" directive gave you the ability to define your own SSL context....
If this is omitted keepalived autogenerate a SSL context.
So, it is implemented for people who are interrested on that kind of custom
For the futur plan... just wait for the new release coming soon....
Best regards,
>Do you know what this syntax in keepalived does?
>;SSL {
> password password
> ca /etc/keepalived/root.pem
> certificate /etc/keepalived/dh1024.pem
> key /etc/keepalived/client.pem
>Is there a listing of these undocumented directives?
>Are there any future plans on expanding the config file syntax? Such as
>allowing one to create a pool of servers and then use that in virtual
>real_server_pool POOL1 {
> real_server {
> }
>Then in virual_server one would be able to specify either a virtual server
>or a virtual_server_pool.