
RE: Server_gw for an internal network only

To: "'lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Server_gw for an internal network only
Cc: 'George L Chamales' <chamales@xxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Mueller <pmueller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 12:54:06 -0800
> I don't understand the necessity to specify the network gatway for the
> director and realservers.
> If the gateway is just the machine that connects the 
> director/realserver's
> network to the rest of the internet, why can't the 
> realservers use their
> own routing tables to decide whether the reply packets should 
> be going to
> the local net or through the gateway?
> Appologies if this is a bit basic and thanks for the help,

I'm confused.

Assuming you have LVS-DR topology (not NAT) it shouldn't matter what the
gateway is so long as you don't ARP-reply for the VIP from the
real/appplication servers.  If you are running NAT topology then you will
have to use the director as your gateway.  In either case if you wanted to
you could have other machines use the LVS-director as their gateway box.

If that doesn't help please respond with an ascii diagram indicating what
you are trying to do.

Hope that helps


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