
Loadbalancing multiple SQUID parents using a parent persistence selectio

To: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Loadbalancing multiple SQUID parents using a parent persistence selection per client connection
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: "Alexandre CASSEN" <alexandre.cassen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 18:32:49 +0100
Hi All,

I am from the LinuxVirtualServer team and I am currently looking for
informations and advices on a SQUID setup.

My current needs correspond to the following simple sketch :

                     |          Internet          |
                         |        |           |
        +----------------+        |           +-----------+
        |                         |                       |
+----------------+       +----------------+       +----------------+
| PROXY-PARENT-1 |       | PROXY-PARENT-2 |       | PROXY-PARENT-3 |
+----------------+       +----------------+       +----------------+
+---------------+        +---------------+        +---------------+
| SQUID-PROXY-1 |        | SQUID-PROXY-2 |        | SQUID-PROXY-3 |
+---------------+        +---------------+        +---------------+
        |                        |                        |
        +--------------+         |              +---------+
                       |         |              |
                     |        LoadBalancer        |
                     +----------[ VIP ]-----------+

Architecture components :

* 3 SQUID-PROXY included in a LVS VIP to loadbalance incoming traffic
through proxy port.
* 3 Antivirus PROXY-PARENT parents of 1.
* All clients browser point to LVS VIP

My question is located on the SQUID parent definition. I want that each
SQUID loadbalance incoming traffic to parent pool. My setup must work with
SQUID round-robin parent declaration since Antivirus proxy are not ICP
capable. So on each SQUID-PROXY I define the following squid.conf rulez
(according to the 7.3.Hierarchy-Tutorial) :

        cache_host PROXY-PARENT-1 parent 3128 8080 no-query round-robin
        cache_host PROXY-PARENT-2 parent 3128 8080 no-query round-robin
        cache_host PROXY-PARENT-3 parent 3128 8080 no-query round-robin

The loadbalancer use a persistence rule to stick traffic from a specific
client to a specific proxy. So all traffic coming from the same client will
be alway directed to the same SQUID proxy. My question is located on the
upper level, on the parent proxy selection :

I would like to know if it is possible to make a connection persistent from
a specific client to a specific parent ? Is it possible to stick traffic
from a client to the same parent (without round-robin algo replay for all
GET query comming from the same client) ?

Can someone give me some lighting points on that kind of setup ?

Best regards,
Alexandre Cassen

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