
Re: Loadbalancing multiple SQUID parents using a parent persistence sel

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Loadbalancing multiple SQUID parents using a parent persistence selection per client connection
From: Alexandre Cassen <Alexandre.Cassen@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 22:46:48 +0100
Hi ratz,

                     |          Internet          |
                         |        |           |
        +----------------+        |           +-----------+
        |                         |                       |
+----------------+       +----------------+       +----------------+
| PROXY-PARENT-1 |       | PROXY-PARENT-2 |       | PROXY-PARENT-3 |
+----------------+       +----------------+       +----------------+
+---------------+        +---------------+        +---------------+
| SQUID-PROXY-1 |        | SQUID-PROXY-2 |        | SQUID-PROXY-3 |
+---------------+        +---------------+        +---------------+
        |                        |                        |
        +--------------+         |              +---------+
                       |         |              |
                     |        LoadBalancer        |
                     +----------[ VIP ]-----------+

* 3 Antivirus PROXY-PARENT parents of 1.
                                    of 1 what?

Do I understand if I say that every SP can connect to each of the three PP?

Yes they can but SP must be sticked to a PP during a specific client session (during the browse over a website).

Clients (webbrowsers) are parametered with connect the LVS VIP/port (for instance 8080). LVS garanty, using persistence, that all traffic is sticked to a specific SP. But I need to be able to garanty the same things on the SQUID parent selection. That a client (represented by its IP address), still sticked to a specific PP. That way for a specific client, runing this topology I preserve & keep the SAME PROXY path during a client session.

=> My PP are installed in a DMZ with public routed over Internet IP addresses. So if the IP address for a specific client change (on the remote server connected eg for example) during a client session its visible IP address to the Internet will change during its session => The fact is that many Internet web sites doesn't like that kind of live change (AOL mega-proxy are working like this, this is why so many users have problems on some sites).

Does it sound more comprehensive ? because my too poor english level make me some fault :)

My question is located on the SQUID parent definition. I want that each
SQUID loadbalance incoming traffic to parent pool. My setup must work with

Incoming from where? Client-side?

Yes => LVS loadbalance Layer3 so SP selected by LVS will see the client IP address.

I would like to know if it is possible to make a connection persistent from
a specific client to a specific parent ? Is it possible to stick traffic
from a client to the same parent (without round-robin algo replay for all
GET query comming from the same client) ?

Going over the SP(i) first? What does the network scheme look like (IP-addressing)?

Yes web browsers use LVS SQUID VIP/VPORT. LVS stick client to a specific SP using persistence.

=> I just want to know if when using SQUID round-robin parent declaration, SQUID doesn't replay the rr algo when the stream are coming from the same IP address (web browser).

I am not really sure that SQUID act on that point as I suspect (wish ) :/

Thanks a lot if you have any inputs on that point :)

Best regs,

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