
Re: looking for name for primary IP on director facing the RIP network.

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, jsc3@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: looking for name for primary IP on director facing the RIP network.
From: Joseph Mack <mack.joseph@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 14:46:25 -0400
John Cronin wrote:
> Is there really a sense of Primary and Secondary, or are both nodes equal?

At configure time, director1 will run the configure script and
will come up as "it", then director1 will use ssh to tell director2
to run the script and director2 will come up as "!it".

So they are equal, but you'll force them to come up in a certain
order. That way when you look at the logs you can tell the initial
state and when the first failover occured.

> I have not set up a redundant director recently, but in most of the
> HA clustering I am working with these days, one node is as good as
> another, and there is no concept in many cases of failing back to the
> primary once the problem with the primary has been resolved.

no failback here.
> Can it go four letters?  Could try RDIP (Real Director IP), but then
> the DIP might need to become the VDIP.  This must be getting close to
> mature technology, as the need for acronyms is increasing.  ;)

With a small number of different types of IPs, so far VIP, DIP, RIP and CIP, 
SGW, DGW, we've got less than 3 bits of information. I'd hate to have to
go to 4 letters to handle just one more name.


Joseph Mack PhD, Senior Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin
contractor to the National Environmental Supercomputer Center, 
mailto:mack.joseph@xxxxxxx ph# 919-541-0007, RTP, NC, USA

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