If you maintain a mirror of www.linuxvirtualserver.org then
this email is for you. Else feel free to skip it.
As you should be aware, "cheetah" the host of www.linuxvirtualserver.org
(amongst other things) went offline due to a catastrophic disk failure
several months ago. Since that time, vergenet.net (which I maintain) has
been acting as a tempoary home for www.linuxvirtualserver.org.
Unfortuantley when this hasty move was made I did not set up an rsync
daemon so that the mirror sites[1] could update their pages. As a result
many of these mirrors are now out of date.
[1] http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/mirrors.html
This has now been resolved. You can now rsync your mirrors using the
following command:
rsync -auvz --delete rsync.linuxvirtualserver.org::w3lvs <your local directory>
Note "rsync.linuxvirtualserver.org" and not "www.linuxvirtualserver.org"
this is very important. If you have a mirror, then you probably have a
cron job that runs this every other day. Please update the hostname
If there are any problems please contact myself and/or Wensong.
If you have a mirror and do not wish to maintain it anymore, contact
Wensong and he will update the mirrors page.