
Re: Unwanted persistance

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, chris.williams@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Unwanted persistance
From: Joseph Mack <mack.joseph@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 08:23:14 -0400
Chris Williams wrote:

> > keepalive is for maintaining an idle connection. The 2 minute timeout
> > is the FIN_WAIT for an InActConn to clear.

> The the thing is I'm only serving http, a connectionless protocol

http is stateless, but unlike some other stateless protocols (nfs, ntp)
requires a connection (ie uses tcp, rather than udp). http normally
disconnects quickly

so that you'll not normally see any entries in ActConn and from that point
of view, the connection is short and looks a little like udp.

However for http/1.1 the connection can be persistent 
(in the netscape sense, rather than persistent in the LVS sense)

The persistence is only for 15secs, which is still relatively short, but
you'll still have to wait for the FIN_WAIT period of about 2mins before the
InActConn entry will be cleared from the ipvsadm table.

> Would this still apply? ipvsadm shows no inactive or active connections
> (once the initial download has occured,) but the problem still occurs
> that once I pull a real server out of the cluster, ipvsadm shows it as
> being removed, but traffic still gets directed there for 2-5 minutes.

hmm, once the entries have cleared from ipvsadm (seen in ActConn and InActConn),
you're free to remove the realserver. Are you using ldirectord (which 
I don't know about) or something else that I don't understand here?
> Also I've just discovered that connecting from a different machine then
> the one doing load testing (a router unfortunetly, so not all together
> independant,) still gets sent to the dead real server.

something else is going on here. You haven't fiddled any timeouts have you?

> I'm starting to think that maybe I can live with a problem 2 minutes on
> server failure, but will struggle on for the moment.

you'll have to live with the FIN_WAIT timeout, but this isn't what's going on


Joseph Mack PhD, Senior Systems Engineer, SAIC contractor 
to the National Environmental Supercomputer Center, 
mailto:mack.joseph@xxxxxxx ph# 919-541-0007, RTP, NC, USA

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