
Re: A newbie problem

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: A newbie problem
From: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 08:32:40 +0900
Chris, I am rather confused about why you are using
both heartbeat and ldirectord+LVS for this particular setup.
It sounds like you use one of the following solutions:

1. Heartbat (No LVS or ldirectord)

        |                               |
    -----------------        -----------------
    |real server    |        |fallback server|
    |       |        |       |
    -----------------        -----------------

   Heartbeat monitors the health of the real and fallback server.
   It may start apache, or it may already be running on both machines.
   Heartbeat manages the VIP and will move
   it to the failback-server (actually this should be called the sandby
   in this case) if the real-server fails.

2. LVS and Ldirectord (no heartbeat)

                    |virtual server|
                    | |
           |                               |
       -----------------        -----------------
       |real server    |        |fallback server|
       |       |        |       |
       -----------------        -----------------

    Apache should be running on both the real server and the
    Ldirectord monitors the health of the real-server.
    When it is ok, configures LVS to forward all traffic
    to the real-server. When the real-server fails,
    it configures LVS to forward all traffic to the fallback-server.

    I note that you have chosen to use the "gate" (direct-routing)
    method to forward your packets. This is somewhat tricky
    to set up. If you are having troubles I would recommend
    investingating references to the ARP problem in the LVS-HOWTO.

    Actually, I would recommend using "masq" (NAT) if you
    are starting out as it is a lot easier to get up and
    running in my opinion.


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