Hi there,
I've successfully set up a two-director, one-realserver (at the moment) LVS
system using LVS-NAT with ipvs-1.0.7, heartbeat- and ipvsadm-1.2.1. The
directors are RedHat 7.2 boxes, but now have my 2.4.20 kernel.org kernel built
with ipvs-1.0.7 patches. It works fine when I call heartbeat on boot, setting
up the VIP and floating internal gateway and also configuring LVS through
ipvsadm. I'm now trying to get ldirectord going, so I'm calling ldirectord on
boot rather than heartbeat. I'm using the ldirectord that came in the heartbeat
package - the perl file (ldirectord) says it's version 1.26.
My problem is that although ldirectord sets up the VIP and floating internal
gateway just fine, and adds the virtual service to LVS, it doesn't add the real
server associated with this virtual service. ipvsadm -L says this after
ldirectord starts up:
IP Virtual Server version 1.0.7 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP ci-test.lis.scu.edu.au:http wlc persistent 300
I see this in the ldirectord.log:
[Thu Feb 27 11:38:21 2003|ldirectord.cf] Starting Linux Director Daemon
[Thu Feb 27 11:38:21 2003|ldirectord.cf] Adding virtual server:
[Thu Feb 27 11:38:21 2003|ldirectord.cf] system(/sbin/ipvsadm -a -t -R -m ) failed
[Thu Feb 27 11:38:21 2003|ldirectord.cf] Adding real server: (1
Looking at that third line, it looks like it's passing a command to ipvsadm
that won't work, at least according to the ipvsadm man page. Is my assumption
correct? Should I be using a different version of ldirectord, or ipvs, or
heartbeat, or... something?
Thanks in advance,