
Re: ARP problem

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: ARP problem
From: Joseph Mack <mack.joseph@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 11:31:39 -0500
Justin Georgeson wrote:

> I was using The "typical
> LVS-NAT setup" ASCII drawing at
> as a reference, and it labels a machine as the director. The VIP and the
> DIP are on separate physical NICs which go to separate physical LANs
> (one of which goes to the internet). 

> The client box is on the same
> physical LAN as the realservers, and was also configured to be on the
> same subnet. 

you can do this, but in the above diagram, the client is
not on the realserver network. Also in general you 
do nothing to the client. It just has client
software for the LVS'ed service.

I had this set of rules
> #external
> -A -t $VIP:5222 -s wrr
> -a -t $VIP:5222 -r $RIP_1:5222 -m
> -a -t $VIP:5222 -r $RIP_2:5222 -m
> #internal
> -A -t $DIP:5222 -s wrr
> -a -t $DIP:5222 -r $RIP_1:5222 -m
> -a -t $DIP:5222 -r $RIP_2:5222 -m
> So a connection request from the client would go to the DIP 

an LVS works by the client making requests to the VIP.

and be
> relegated wo whichever RIP was next in the rotation. The packets would
> readh the RIP, with the CIP as the source IP. The RIP would then send
> packets directlry to the CIP, 

in LVS-NAT the realserver routes via the DIP. In LVS-DR the realserver
routes directly to the CIP.

> Anyway. I fixed it by taking all configuration off the
> client box and configuring it only with an interface. So
> the director (still using terminology of the diagram) has both
> and subnets configured on one NIC. The
> IP is the DIP, the IP isn't used for any
> IPVS rules. I had hoped to be able to configure the client to be on both
> subnets since it has two physical interfaces, but it just wouldn't work
> that way. 

You can still do that. My test client has two NICs, one connecting
to a NIC on the director that is not on the realserver network, 
and another to a NIC on the realserver network. This way
I can use the same client to test one network directors
and two network directors.

The topology I use is


Joseph Mack PhD, Senior Systems Engineer, SAIC contractor 
to the National Environmental Supercomputer Center, 
ph# 919-541-0007, RTP, NC, USA. mailto:mack.joseph@xxxxxxx
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