
Re: VIP and RIP server labels for dummies like me ?

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: VIP and RIP server labels for dummies like me ?
From: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 00:14:28 +0900
On Wed, Apr 23, 2003 at 04:06:38PM +0100, Malcolm Turnbull wrote:
> If you have several VIPs and RIPs it would be nice to be able to label 
> them for use in reports etc.
> I've bastardised the file slightly so my web based 
> interface knows the nice label for servers like so :
> virtual= Funky_Duck
>         real= gate 1 Duck1
>         real= gate 2 Duck2
> And I don't need the feature in LVS but others might like the idea of 
> being able to label the VIPs/RIPs so that ipvsadm -Ln shows label + ip 
> address.
> Or should I stop being daft and use local DNS lookup with ipvsadm -L ?
> Assuming that I carry on being daft, how should I make standard 
> ldirectord ignore the per real server request & receive strings ?
> i.e. either :
>         real= gate 1 "request,receive" Duck1
> or :
>         real= gate 2 "request" "receive" Duck2
> can I do :
>         real= gate 2 "" "" Duck2
> to makeit use the global req/rec strings ?

You will need to modify the way that ldirectord parses the config
file. From memory this is done in add_real_server().
Be sure to grab the latest version from CVS. I made some
changes to this section of the code the other day.

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