On Mon, May 26, 2003 at 10:05:49AM +0200, Alexandre Cassen wrote:
> After there is a need to know how to unsplice socket pair...
> unsplicing can be done using the application specific header
> to detect end of stream forwarding. For HTTP/SSL we can use
> for example the "Content-Length:" header value to detect
> end of stream and to unsplice socket pair. But For efficient
> applications and because most of webserver are using HTTP/1.1
> there is a big benefit keeping as possible the socket pair
> spliced since client->webserver are using "HTTP/1.1 keepalive"
> connection (persistent), so that remote webserver still connected
> after the first GET is processed. This optimize the forwarding
> but here it is more difficult to know when socket pair must be
> unspliced...
Does the current implementation support unsplicing at all?
I agree that is probably isn't needed very much,
especially in the keepalive case.