I'm trying to get a little odd setup worked out. I am trying to extend
an lvs-dr to a different physical location with the help of an etherIP
bridge. I am using 2 openBSD boxes to do this, if you want to see the
details look at this almost all the way at the bottom:
http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=brconfig&sektion=8. I am
not using IPSEC so that is not causing me any problems.
Anyway, I have all normal LAN traffic working correctly, so I'm sure the
EtherIP bridge is working correctly, but if I have a server that is in an
LVS cluster the server never sees that traffic that is being sent to it
as part of the cluster.
If anyone has some insight on what could make this configuration work
please let me know.