I am running a simple configuration of 1 director and 3 real servers running
Windows 2000. Requests are forwarded to the real servers using lvs/tun (ip
Everything is working well but the other day I encountered a problem where
routing and remote access was not running on one of the servers. As far as the
director is concerned, the server is working correctly as it responds and
returns the correct debug page. However, if a request was sent to that server,
the response would not be routed to the client.
Has anyone encountered this before? and more importantly has anyone used a
better monitoring system to work around it? I was thinking maybe use an
external machine to test the connections rather than the director. This way you
would also be checking the routing at the same time.
Any feedback or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Chris Paul
Berkeley Alexander
Temple House, 25-26 High Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2SD
Tel 01273 477784, Fax 01273 478994
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