
Re: java applet throws exceptions when in LVS

To: florian.rommel@xxxxxxxxxxx,<lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: java applet throws exceptions when in LVS
From: Roberto Nibali <ratz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 10:05:54 +0200
Florian Rommel wrote:
hi, I have a lvs set up which works actually just fine with jsp that
outputs html and loadbalancing works as well. this is a LVS-DR setup.

Now comes the tricky part. We have a java applet that runs ont he same
server as the normal html and therefor should also be laodbalanced.
If you set up the service for it, yes. Or is this java applet embedded 
into the page? If so then yes, it should also be load balanced.
The weird thing is, the 2 servers have an identical setup (windows 2000
with apache 1.3.27 and Resin) I installed the loopback on both servers
and gave it metric value of 254 for the VIP.

Both servers have the same  files deployed.
How do you verify this? Using md5sum?

When i use one of them (srv1) alone, it works just fine,
no problems at all. if i add srv2 i get exception errors about unknown
What is the _exact_ exception? Also could you verify that on both 
machines the apache instance is listening on the same IP, namely 
INADDR_ANY for testing purposes?
source. if i use srv2 alone i get the same exception.. I duplicated the
You mean srv2 in a load balanced environment or directly?

configuration to both servers and made sure there is nothign else
there.however it seems to only affect srv2. is there anything else i can
As you've suspected, it has to be a setup problem on srv2, the load 
balancer is working on a layer below and does not touch your application 
data, in this case http requests.
do? i use ldirectord and the config is included below.
If i understand correctly, the hostnames are forwarded as well by the
LVS, correct? meaning that if the name is then the LVS
forwards the header as well to the real server. and it
Because the hostname is within the payload of the http request and the 
payload is not inspected nor even closely touched by the director your 
statement is correct although formulated in a rather strange way.
forwards only to one server at a time, correct?.

I am really stunned by this. and since i have double (triple) checked my
apache setup, it has to be somewhere on the way from the lvs to srv2. they are all located in the same subnet btw.
Well, I would do the following if I were you:

1) Check the configuration again, do md5sums on the files
2) Check the listener on both servers
3) Properly analyse the exception thrown by the JVM and send it
   over here if you need some more eyes
4) Use windump -n -i eth0 -s 0 -X on the servers [1]
5) Send me the applet code and I fix it :)

thanks a lot for any tips.
I hope this helps. I found out that sometimes just after posting a 
problem I had been chasing for hours to a list helped solving it 
immediately. Let's see if this works for you too.

Best regards,
Roberto Nibali, ratz
echo '[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq'|dc

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