I have changed the MTU value for eth0 on the director to 1400. All that does
for me is make more machines (all that I have tested) suffer from the same
Should the MTU value be changed at different places? I.e. both ends of the
-----Original Message-----
From: Roberto Nibali [mailto:ratz@xxxxxx]
Sent: 01 December 2003 11:31
To: LinuxVirtualServer.org users mailing list.
Subject: Re: LVS & UM 1.0.10 RH 9 HTTP POST request greater than ~1000
Hello Horms,
> typically the MTU used is 1500 bytes. But when tunnels come
> into play then this becomes slightly smaller because of
> the overhead for the tunnel. This should not be an issue
> but in practice it offten makes sense to manually set
> the MTU to the smaller value on applicable interfaces.
... or the mtu of the tunnel's routing entity for that matter. This is faster
and less intrusive than adjusting down the whole physical interface's mtu. I
it for boxes where I have dozens of VPN tunnels over a physical interface but
also non-tunneled traffic.
Best regards,
Roberto Nibali, ratz
echo '[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq' | dc
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