
RE: LVS & UM 1.0.10 RH 9 HTTP POST request greater than ~1000

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: LVS & UM 1.0.10 RH 9 HTTP POST request greater than ~1000
From: awysocki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 09:04:42 -0800
I've not had time to run the traces Julian asked for, but I did try the 
MTU route,  I tried both 1480 and 1460 and neither solved the problem. The 
parts that I find tough for me is it doesn't happen on my machine running 
on a Covad link.  I've had people from Canada, PA and some in Europe have 
the problem.  So even if I get the traces, I myself can not recreate the 

In the mean time, I'm using the LVS to balancing the system, but on photo 
uploads and large text edits I just changed my POST to go directly to a 
server. Its a workaround.


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